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I'm a mom who was frustrated when I would look in the mirror.  I was confused how to reach my fitness goals and overwhelmed by all the information and misinformation out there. I spent countless years researching and trying every diet fad under the moon desperately trying to achieve the body of my dreams...


I got to the point where I thought it was unattainable, I'm too old.  I don't have the time. I'll never be able to wear a bikini again. I kept telling myself every excuse I could think of.


I wanted a fast fix and nothing was working.  I started to give up hope that I could ever feel confident in my own skin and have the body I always wanted.


But I'm here to tell you it can be done.


You can have the body of your dreams and I can show you how to do it! 






Getting pregnant at age 23 with my first daughter I was so naive. I was pretty healthy before my pregnancy, doing kickboxing workouts a few days a week and eating whatever I wanted (I was 23). I was able to maintain my weight pretty consistently.


Then I got pregnant and my bad eating habits just got worse.   I was eating a frozen tiramisu a night toward those last few weeks (I know some of you can relate).  My weight was slowly creeping up and I got to the point where I wouldn't even look at the scale at my OB checkups because I was so embarrassed.  I had gained over 80lbs.  


It didn't really bother me during the pregnancy. I mean I knew I was gaining but as a first time mom I just had this vision that once the baby is born my body would magically snap back to the way it was before I was pregnant... Boy was I in for a rude awakening!  

When the weight didn't quickly melt away I enlisted a personal trainer 3 days a week (which became one of my very best friends). I was also living on the stair master 45-90 min sessions a day and started experimenting with diet pills to speed up the process as I was still eating whatever I wanted and didn't realize I was just spinning my wheels. I was in the gym 6-7 days a week. 


Eventually the weight did come off but then I got pregnant again...




Hello! I’m Krissy - 46 year old mom of three amazing daughters!


"You can have the body of your dreams and I can show you how to do it!"

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I was 31 when I found out I was pregnant with my second baby girl. I still didn't have a healthy relationship with food nor realize the importance that was playing in my fitness journey.  Since I had lost all the weight before I didn't really think much of gaining over 80lbs again.


In my mind I was like, I can do it again or I can just get liposuction. Quick fix, right? After my daughter was born I went for a consultation for liposuction. I wanted the quick easy way out. After a lot of research, A LOT, I realized that just sucking out the fat wouldn't get rid of the loose skin and there were a lot of potential side affects and risks involved.


I knew that wasn't the answer for me. So back to the gym, back to the endless hours of cardio. When the weight wasn't coming off as fast as I would like I started using diet pills again and trying every weight loss fad that was out there. I got skinny, but I wasn't healthy.

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I quickly gained over 80lbs...

Follow My Fitness Journey @krissykfit

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I was about 15lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight when I found out I was pregnant with my third daughter. Again I quickly gained over 80lbs.  

After this pregnancy I started having a slew of health problems including liver issues, stomach issues and ended up having to have a hysterectomy due to pre cancerous cells that would just keep coming back after each painful time they were cut out. 


After My Surgery:
I knew I needed to not only lose the weight, but I needed to get healthy. I pray that you never have a health scare in your life where you start to think you may not be around for your children. To me it is the single most horrifying feeling in the world.  

I knew 
I needed to make changes and start prioritizing things that would align with my new healthy lifestyle. 



Now I'm sharing with my clients what I have learned over countless years of hard work and self discovery...

helping them get happy, healthy and fit.


Let's create the body of YOUR dreams through a sustainable health journey!   

As soon as the doctor cleared me to start exercising again I was back in the gym 6-7 days a week lifting weights and cardio. I had no real plan of action and no real understanding of the role of food and its importance to achieve the dream body I wanted. 


I was following every 'fit girl' on instagram doing the workouts they would post and jumping from one online fitness challenge to another.


Weights, endless cardio, working out 6-7 days a week... not realizing I was just spinning my wheels... Then I discovered the secret…



Now I'm helping other women redefine the way they think about health and fitness.  Let me teach you what I have learned over YEARS of hard work and self discovery.  

Redefine the way you think about your health and fitness. I will teach you how to train effectively, properly nourish your body, and track macros...



Learn how many calories you should be eating to lose body fat, build lean muscle or tone up.  My programs and app have been designed to help women around the world to get happy, healthy and strong! 

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